Thursday, February 8, 2007


<------Ever felt like this? When work gets to be so bad that you begin to get sick every night just thinking about all the crap that needs to get done the next day. Depression sets in during the commute, and you do everything you can to keep your eyes open because you were up all night worrying about your piles of papers you need to get to. It almost doesn't seem worth it...the insomnia, sick stomach, constant migraine headache...the hours of unpaid overtime you spend at the office while your family slowly forgets what you look like because you are at work all the time. I spend 2x more time with my coworkers than I do with my wife and son...and thats sucks ass.

1 comment:

Unstoppable Lindsey said...

There is a cartoon that has since circulated around the internet with a dude throwing his computer out the window....a mere coincidence that I had three emails like that last week!? I think not.

I would rather drown in matters that would really help me reach my full potential.

How can we reach that next level with what we already have? Reach for the stars, shoot for the moon, go for interviews on Oprah! Then retire to be with your family and say to yourself, "Ah, now that was well worth it!"