So I have been seriously slacking in my blog posts, and for that I am way lame...just gotta say. If my blog has a spirit, it has been prodding me for days...no months to post something.
The past couple of months have been a complete whirlwind for me as I have traveled all over the freaking place...State College, Pennsylvania - Bend, Oregon - and then Madison, Wisconsin...all in three weeks time. It has been so nice to be home for awhile without the worry of traveling.
Well, tonight's entry I wanted to write specifically for a couple of people...Allison Lunt Harris, my Mom Susan, my aunt Laura and anyone else who makes fun of my FaceBook updates.
Many of you tease me that I type in a different language...and yes, it is it's own language...or Twialect if you will. So I am going to explain it, so you can understand what I am saying.
Example: "Had a great day talking with the people at @go_hotcakes (hotcakes.com) today at #ORSM09" - I have hashtagged the Outdoor Retail Summer Market 2009 meaning, that Tweet will show up in that search, and people will know that is what my Twitter update is about...kinda like a one word summary of what I'm Tweeting at that time.
2. whenever you see this @, I am talking about, or to a specific person, business, etc. on Twitter.
Example: "Spent the day walking the floor with @iGoByDoc & @JoshSPeters at the Salt Palace." - Now when you see this you can tell who I am speaking to or about, and once I add the @ before their Twitter IDs, that will show up on their page and they can see my update with them mentioned in it.
Also to note...both the # and the @ placed before something creates a hyperlink that will redirect you to the Twitter search (#) or the person's profile (@)
Ok, so you few peeps who I listed, quit making fun of me, and learn the Twitter language...we'll all be speaking it someday...oh yes, we will all be Tweeters...or Twits...#justsayin
Also, my good friend Josh Peters (@JoshSPeters on Twitter) wrote an awesome blog post on businesses who were utilizing Twitter at the Outdoor Retail Show this year. A really good read...I recommend you take a second and read it. (Shuaism.com)
Next Blog Post Tease:
The Haunted Woods of Pennsylvania
Thanks for the mention and the link to my blog. You really should blog more, I like what I read when you do.
Great site! I'm actually trying to reach you to see if you'd be interested in writing for the SMCSLC blog. If so, drop me a line at ericaldavidson@gmail.com or on twitter at http://twitter.com/babygirlxo.
Hope to talk to you soon!
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