Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why I Love Twitter

I love reading/hearing the things people say about Twitter:

  1. I Just Don't Get Twitter...
  2. Twitter is the stupidest thing I've ever seen...
  3. Twitter is a waste of time...
  4. I don't have anything to say...
  5. There is no value with Twitter...
  6. I don't care what you ate for breakfast...
  7. Just another thing to feed your ego with "friends/followers"
Every time I hear people bag on Twitter and people who use it, I try and tell them how useful I have found it in my daily life. In fact, it was just a couple months ago, when I sat down to dinner with one of my closest friends Matt Merkel (@merkprof on Twitter) that we got to talking about the people that we each hung out with most frequently were people who we had met mostly through Twitter.

So whenever I hear the argument that online friends don't amount to anything and that they are nothing but faceless avatars, I take serious issue with that as my best friends are people that I met on Twitter...and it is real friendships. I have gone to countless lunches, dinners, #PDRs, Utah Jazz games, University of Utah Football games, a U2 concert for crying out loud with friends I met on Twitter.

So here are my responses to the questions above:
  1. I Just Don't Get Twitter... It might not be for you, but have you REALLY tried it?
  2. Twitter is the stupidest thing I've ever seen... Sometimes it is stupid, but what isn't?
  3. Twitter is a waste of time... It can be, but again, have you really tried it?
  4. I don't have anything to say... Everyone has something to say, and there are people on Twitter talking about the very things you just need to find those conversations
  5. There is no value with Twitter... clearly you don't follow Fox 13's Ben Winslow @BenWinslow
  6. I don't care what you ate for breakfast... believe it or not, a lot of people actually do care, not only do they care what you ate, but where you ate it and who you ate it with.
  7. Just another thing to feed your ego with "friends/followers"... if that is the only thing you use it for, then you are doing it wrong.
So really, Twitter is what you make of I use Twitter to see what is going on in the world around me, and jump in the conversation(s) when I can. I look for opportunities to meet people on Twitter as often as I can. This is why I love has opened up a new world of people who have similar likes and tastes, and provided me a way to get to know these people better and become really good friends.

So ya, I love Twitter